Margolis Scholarship

Dedicated to excellence in practice, teaching and research in forensic psychiatry


The Midwest Chapter of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (MWAAPL) established The Margolis Travel Scholarship in honor of Dr. Philip Margolis, an exceptional forensic psychiatrist and past president of MWAAPL.

The Margolis Travel Scholarship is aimed to encourage trainees to pursue forensic psychiatry training in the hopes that they will one day establish careers in the Midwest, become productive members of our organization, and contribute meaningfully to our field. MWAAPL recognizes that not all general training programs are rich in forensic psychiatry resources and our organization can help trainees gain forensic experience. Although the residents in contention for this award do not need to have prior experience in forensic psychiatry, they do need to demonstrate a desire for forensic education and mentorship. They also must demonstrate “need” for the travel scholarship such as limited access to forensic electives and mentors. PGY1 and PGY2 residents are eligible to apply, as this is an award meant to foster forensic interest early in training.

This year’s Margolis Travel Scholarship stipend will cover the cost of the meeting registration and a $250 stipend to be used for travel and accommodations.

The application must include:

  • A cover letter indicating intent to apply for The Margolis Travel Scholarship, current training program, training director, and training year
  • One letter from the applicant’s Training Director or Psychiatry Mentor nominating the resident, and assessing the resident’s potential for success with forensic work (e.g. critical thinking skills, written and oral communication skills)
  • A statement by the resident (no longer than 500 words) detailing interest and/or experience in forensic psychiatry along with ways in which the resident has developed skills in critical thinking and written and oral communication. Residents should also describe a Midwestern connection (training in, or planning to do a fellowship or working in the Midwest post-graduation), need for forensic psychiatry exposure, and long-term career goals.
  • The resident’s curriculum vitae

Award applications must be submitted to by February 7, 2025. Questions about the award should be directed to Michelle Hume at


About Us

MWAAPL shares a mission with our parent organization AAPL to promote scientific and educational activities in forensic psychiatry through resident awards, mentorship, scholarly collaboration and an annual high-quality meeting.


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